Some of the paradox researchers believed that there are some factors of pragmatic involved in the background knowledge of semantic paradox and advised to separate a new type of paradox from semantic paradox& pragmatic paradox. 当代的某些悖论研究学者认为,某些语义悖论的背景知识中涉及语用的因素,因此建议从语义悖论中分出另一类悖论&语用悖论。
Firstly, this dissertation introduces some important theoretical foundation, such as definition, types of paradox, character, the RZH criterion for paradox resolutions, types of semantic paradox and the reason for the various generations of semantic paradox. 本文首先介绍悖论的定义、类型、性质、RZH解悖标准以及语义悖论的种类、产生的原因这些重要的理论基础。
Dialectical philosophy explores the root of semantic paradox with dialectical thinking, revealing that the root of semantic paradox is the contradiction between the dialectical unity of opposites structure of the concrete objects themselves and the separability that human's thought can not get rid of. 辩证哲学以辩证思维来考察语义悖论的根源,从而揭示出语义悖论产生的根源在于对象本身的对立统一的辩证结构和人类思维不可摆脱的割离性之间的矛盾。
The Study on Resolution of Semantic Paradox 语义悖论消解研究
Thereout, this dissertation studies the problem of semantic paradox resolution in "transcending contradictory world" which is a space-time unitive and four-dimensional logical system, namely, holding the semantic paradox by the dialectical unity of opposites thinking. 由此,本文在超越对立面的世界这一时空统一的四维的逻辑系统中对语义悖论的消解问题进行研究,也就是以一种对立统一的辩证思维来把握语义悖论。
According to the classification of the paradox of the English logician F. P. Ramsey, logic paradox can be divided into two different types: set-theory& syntax paradox and semantic paradox. 按照英国逻辑学家拉姆塞(F.P.Ramsey)的悖论分类,逻辑悖论可以划分为两种不同的类型:集合论&语形悖论和语义悖论。
In the early 1930s, the research emphasis of logic paradox was transferred gradually from set theory paradox to semantic paradox. 20世纪30年代初,逻辑悖论研究的重心从集合论悖论逐渐过渡到语义悖论。
Tarski further put forward a thought of language stratified to explain semantic paradox. 进而,塔尔斯基提出了一种语言分层的思想来解释语义悖论。
This thesis is a qualitative study of semantic paradox from a relevance-theoretic approach at the pragmatic level for the purpose of finding a solution to the liar paradox. 本文从语用学关联理论的角度对语义悖论做一个定性的研究,目的是为了寻求解决说谎者悖论的方案。